Farmers and farming businesses will gather to hear from rural sector professionals as they look to navigate through the challenges and opportunities that Brexit and leaving the EU will bring.

The seminar organised by accountancy firm PKF Francis Clark, law firm Stephens Scown LLP and property consultants Savills, is taking place on Thursday 13 October, 6pm-9pm at the Pavilion Centre, Royal Cornwall Showground.

The event will cover key issues surrounding Brexit including how DEFRA is responding to the Brexit vote and how the run up to 2020 will be managed, agricultural policy opportunities for the future, examining up to date research data on the farmland market, and how we ensure that farms are ready for life post 2020.

Giles Hanglin Head of Rural Research at Savills stated:  “We are beginning to see statements from industry stakeholders and we’re also undertaking our own analysis on the potential impact; interestingly, our initial analysis suggests that the impact of changes to trade agreements may well be far more significant than changes to the existing agricultural subsidies.” 

Brian Harvey, Head of Agriculture at PKF Francis Clark said: The Brexit vote is now 3 months ago and with the harvest now safely in we feel that the time is right to look forward to the future.  This event will look to consider the implications and opportunities that Brexit might present to the agricultural community and what farm businesses should be thinking about in terms of the future.

Phil Reed, Head of Rural Services at Stephens Scown said: “Brexit is never far from our minds in the rural sector and this event will give us a great chance to talk about the facts and set out what farmers and farming businesses need to know as they plan for the future.”

Places are still available for the free to attend seminar by emailing Ruth Warren at or booking online here.