If you apply online for a position with Stephens Scown LLP we will use the information you provide in our recruitment and selection process.
Under the GDPR 2016 and Data Protection Act 2018, the information you supply about yourself is known as your personal data. You may also be asked to supply us with sensitive personal data which includes information about any criminal convictions, ethnic origin and health details. We will process your personal and sensitive personal data for our internal records, both to assist in the selection for employment process and in the context of equal opportunity monitoring which is a separate process. During the application process we will not share your information with any third parties, unless you have given permission for us to do so. Your personal information will be retained for the duration of the recruitment and selection process, for our own internal records and as required by law.
If you have any queries at any time concerning your personal information, please write to our HR team at Curzon House, Southernhay West, Exeter EX1 1RS.
By submitting your application online you give your consent to Stephens Scown LLP processing your personal and sensitive personal data in the manner detailed here and in our Privacy Policy https://www.stephens-scown.co.uk/legal-notices/privacy-statement/.
Please click ‘Continue’ to start the application process.