It can be difficult to keep on track with all the charity updates flying into your inbox. Below are all the ones we think you definitely need to know about from the last few months.
- Charities are being told to ensure the close relationships some enjoy with non-charitable organisations are made clear to people outside their charity
- Changes to the fundraising levy bands
- Department for International Development’s fund for small UK based not-for-profit organisations – grants of up to £50,000 for those with an annual income of £250,000 or less
- Charities to have 21 days to action a suppression request under the Data Protection Act from 1 March 2019
- Increased upper limit for trading that charities can carry out without incurring tax liability
- The Fundraising Regulator has issued its complaints report for 2017/18
- Make accepting cash more affordable for charities – Access to Cash Review
- The government is looking at changing the law so that organisations engaged in “public interest journalism” can register as charities
- New government guidance for charities with a connection to a non-charity
- New government guidance for charities and trading
Case reports
- Statements on live cases published in 2019
- Charity Trustees (time Off for Duties) Bill is a private members bill that proposes to allow trustees to request unpaid time off from their jobs to carry out their trustee duties
- Probate fee reform – proposed new fee structure has unintended consequences that could be detrimental to charitable giving
https://researchbriefings.parliament.uk/ResearchBriefing/Summary/CBP-7929 https://www.lawgazette.co.uk/news/charities-warn-moj-over-impact-of-probate-fee-hike/5069583.article
Blogs/sector insights
- How charities are responding to cyber security threats
- What makes a successful charity rebrand?
Preparing for Brexit
- Five ways civil society organisations can prepare for EU exit
- Baroness Stowell’s speech at the Charity Commission’s Annual Public Meeting on 5 March
- Volunteering round up – April 2019