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COVID-19 – Our response to the challenges ahead

These are challenging and uncertain times. Like you, we have had to adapt to a new way of life. Our focus has been – and will continue to be – keeping our people and community as safe as possible, while maintaining the level of client service that you have come to expect from us. 

As the lockdown eases we have opened up our offices again for pre-arranged appointments where necessary. We will continue to encourage client meetings by telephone and video conferencing but should you need to visit us in person this can be arranged.

We have complied with the government’s guidance on managing the risk of COVID-19 and have put in place measures to achieve their five steps to safer working together:

  • We have carried out a COVID-19 risk assessment and shared the results with the people who work here
  • We have cleaning, hand-washing and hygiene procedures in line with guidance
  • We have taken all reasonable steps to help people work from home
  • We have taken all reasonable steps to maintain a 2m distance in the workplace
  • Where people cannot keep 2m apart we have ensured at least a 1m distance and taken all the mitigating actions possible to manage transmission risk

Our Coronavirus working group has been meeting daily to discuss developments and make decisions based on the Government guidance and scientific advice. We have also been in regular contact with all of our people, so that we are able to act quickly if they, or any of their family members, show any symptoms of the virus or show any signs of struggling with their mental health.

Alongside our social media channels, we have created a dedicated COVID-19 insights hub where we have been sharing advice and updates to help keep you up-to-date on the latest developments and how they may impact you or your business. We hope you have found these useful.

As the country looks towards building the “new normal” we are here to help you with the challenges and recovery. Please call us if you need specific advice or are just looking for a sounding board in these unprecedented times. You can contact us through or by calling 0345 450 5558.


Useful information