As part of the government’s drive to encourage renewable energy they introduced the Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme (RHI Scheme) in 2011 to give financial support to those producing heat from specific types of renewable technologies.
Whilst the domestic RHI Scheme has recently been extended as part of the 2020 Budget, the non domestic RHI Scheme is still due to close on 31 March 2021 to new applicants.
What should I do?
1. Act Promptly
If you are in the process of planning a new renewable heat installation, you will need to act promptly. You will only have until 31 March 2021 in which to submit your application. Ofgem do have fixed numbers of applications they can accept for each tariff, so submit your application as soon as possible to avoid missing out. In our experience, the Ofgem quotas can be filled well in advance of the official end of the scheme/ tariff so please do not leave it until the last minute.
2. Check your application carefully
Ofgem operate a very strict accreditation process. Your application will not be deemed to be “properly made” until all the relevant information has been provided. Accordingly, just because you have submitted your application in advance of the deadline does not mean you are in the clear.
3. Keep an eye on your e-mails
Ofgem will frequently raise questions if they do not feel that sufficient information has been provided. Ofgem will reject applications if requested information is not provided with a certain time frame so make sure that you diarise any deadlines carefully. If your application is rejected you will have to go back to the beginning again.
4. Seek advice
If your application is complex or you have any queries, we would recommend that you seek the advice of a lawyer and/ or specialist consultant. It is much easier for us to assist you at an early stage in the process.