Stephens Scown graphic visualising the lifecycle of a mine

There are many stages to the lifecycle of a mine and it’s important to understand the key legal considerations for each. Our specialist legal mining team have produced a useful guide to show you each of the stages and what you need to consider.

The Lifecycle of a Mine

The mining industry is very complex and there are many legalities that you need to be aware of from start to finish to ensure compliance and business success.

From securing the site to registering mineral rights, navigating potential commercial disputes and exploring the restoration and aftercare of the land – and everything else in between, there is a great deal to be prepared for.

With so much to consider, our interactive Lifecycle of a Mine PDF will prepare you for all of the stages, from before to during and after.

Stephens Scown graphic visualising the lifecycle of a mine

Our comprehensive guide to the Lifecycle of a Mine is available here and below (click the image to view full-screen). You can also view an animated version of the guide if you have Adobe Acrobat or the web extension.