The latest Charity Commission news and updates as of November 2024.
Procurement Act 2023 – What is changing for charities?
David Holdsworth addresses the Charity Law Association Conference
David Holdsworth’s speech at CLA 30th anniversary conference
In September the Charity Commission published the report of its statutory inquiry into Fashion for Relief, concluding the charity was poorly governed and had inadequate financial management
Regulator disqualifies trustees after finding serious mismanagement at Fashion for Relief.
As a result of its findings, which included multiple instances of misconduct and / or mismanagement, the Charity Commission took action to disqualify three individuals from trusteeship (Bianka Hellmich for nine years, Naomi Campbell for five years and Veronica Chou for four years), recovered over £344,000 and protected a further £98,000 of charitable funds.
The Charity Commission has updated its guidance about trustee decision making, including the 7 decision making principles
In making decisions for a charity, its trustees must:
- act within their powers
- act in good faith and only in the interests of the charity
- make sure they are sufficiently informed
- take account of all relevant factors
- ignore any irrelevant factors
- manage conflicts of interest
- make decisions that are within the range of decisions that a reasonable trustee body could make
The guidance explains these principles in more detail and how trustees should follow them.
The Charity Commission has disqualified two former trustees of Burke’s Peerage Foundation as part of its statutory inquiry into the charity, and has recovered £113,000
The Commission launched its inquiry in February 2022, after identifying serious concerns during a separate inquiry into The Mahfouz Foundation, which had links with Burke’s Peerage Foundation.
The inquiry was opened to determine the extent to which the trustees were complying with their legal duties in the way they administered and managed the charity, including compliance with legal obligations around the preparation and filing of annual accounts and annual returns.
The Charity Commission has disqualified a former trustee of The Mahfouz Foundation as part of its statutory inquiry into the charity, which has today concluded with the publication of an official report
The Charity Commission has opened a statutory inquiry into Flic-Flac Gymnastics Club
The inquiry will examine the following charity regulatory issues:
- Whether the trustees are complying with their legal duties, with particular regard to their accounting and reporting responsibilities; their compliance with the charity’s governing document; and the extent of any unauthorised trustee personal benefit.
- The extent to which any failings or weaknesses identified in the administration of the charity by the inquiry are a result of misconduct and/or mismanagement by the trustees.
Annual Charity Commission research on public trust in charities and what trustees think about their role and their regulator
The research shows that trust in charities remains high. Almost 60% of people have high trust in charities, which continue to be the second most trusted of the social institutions benchmarked.
The research has also revealed that most charity trustees are aware of, and confident about, their main responsibilities.
People receiving charitable support grows threefold in four years, as cost of living pressures bite
Public trust in charities at ten-year high, new research shows.
The Charity Commission has opened a statutory inquiry into Saba Relief & Development Foundation Limited
Charity investigated over concerns around charitable funds sent to Yemen.
In 2023, the regulator opened a compliance case into Saba Relief & Development Foundation Limited after receiving complaints regarding the end use of charitable funds sent to Yemen.
Charitable funds were sent to Yemen and the Charity Commission is concerned that the trustees have not adequately accounted for these funds.
There are also concerns around the charity’s due diligence processes regarding its work with partner organisations in Yemen.
The Charity Commission has published refreshed guidance for local councils
Regulator CEO urges councils to improve compliance with trustee duties.
Charity Commission Chief Executive, David Holdsworth, has written to all local authorities in England and Wales setting out urgent action they can take to ensure they comply with the legal responsibilities of charity trusteeship, which makes them responsible for running the charity and managing its assets.
Letter to local authority Chief Executives from the Chief Executive of the Charity Commission
Letter to local authority Chief Executives.
Guidance for councillors and council officers of a local authority which is a trustee of a charity
Local authorities (or councils) as trustees of charities.
Guidance for trustees of recreation ground charities about issues relevant to them, including the management and disposal of the land
Recreation ground charities: guidance for trustees.
Statement on charities responding to public disorder
Charity Commission statement in response to riots and public disorder.
Charity regulators today issue a joint statement on the shocking events in Southport, as people show their solidarity with the community by giving generously to support those affected
Charity Commission concludes its compliance case involving the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF), after the charity made changes to the way it operates and to its relationships with third parties
Regulator concludes case into climate change think tank following changes.