Holiday Caravan Park (Wales) Bill – Update article banner image

We have been monitoring the progression of the Bill through the Welsh Assembly.  The Bill finally reached the next step and the Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee (the Committee) published their Stage 1 Report Findings.

Three main areas were discussed in the Stage 1 Report:

1) The need for modernisation of the current legislation.
It was agreed by all that modernisation of the current legislation was required but that caveats should be put into place.

2) Residential Misuse of Caravans
The difficulty of monitoring residential misuse of holiday caravans was discussed but it was reported that the figures suggest it is not that prevalent and that it does not need to be addressed by the legislation.

3) Effectiveness of Existing Legislation
Many considered that new legislation was unnecessary especially as local authorities have enforcement tools available to them which they do not use.

The majority of those in the Committee found that they could not support the Bill. They were “concerned about the approach” and said that there would be unnecessary changes which could have a detrimental impact on the holiday parks industry in Wales. Instead they suggested that the Assembly should look to:-

– Revise the Model Standards 1989 that are used for caravan sites (these are the standards for site licence conditions on holiday static parks) including making a provision for flood risk management; and

– Introduce as a necessity, written agreements between park and caravan owners before 2016.

Because the vote was not unanimous the Committee offered a number of recommendations to be taken into account in the event that the Bill proceeds.

Click here for the full report.

If you are a Park Operator and concerned about the potential consequences of someone living in their holiday caravan or you need advice about the introduction of holiday licence agreements whether you are in Wales or England please contact our park home sector on 01392 210700 or email