In these worrying times please rest assured that there are people that can help and support you if you have been a victim of domestic abuse. The Government defines domestic abuse as “any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional) between adults who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality.”
The Government has been asked to introduce emergency measures to protect women and men in these current times who may be trapped at home with abusive partners. We will post an update as soon as there is any further news on these protective measures but at present if you have been a victim of domestic abuse the following can be contacted to help and support:
- If you are in danger, call the police on 999. If you ring 999 but can’t talk, make sure the police know you are there by coughing or tapping the handset, or by dialing 55
- If it is non an emergency you can call the police on 101 or visit www.devon-cornwall.police.uk
Organisations which can help
- Safer Cornwall – 0300 1234 232 a partnership of public, voluntary, community and private organisations
- First Light/Safer Futures – 0300 777 4777 provide support for people who have experienced domestic abuse. They can refer you to a refuge or you can contact a refuge yourself
- Devon Domestic Abuse Helpline/Splitz – 0345 1551074 provide domestic abuse support services
- West Cornwall Women’s Aid – 01736 367539 https://www.wcwaid.co.uk
- Cornwall Refuge Trust – 01872 225629
- Norda House – 01872 321546/321575 or www.nordahouse.org helping men who have been victims of domestic abuse
- Women’s Centre Cornwall – 01208 79992
- Womens aid – 0808 2000 247
- Victim support – 0300 3030 554
- Konnect Cornwall – 01736 339277
- Cornwall Sanctuary Scheme – 0300 1234 161
- Stop Abuse for Everyone (SAFE) – 030 3030 0112
- NDADA – 01271 321 946
- Waves Counselling – 07815136743 or https://www.wavescounsellingproject.com providing counselling for victims of domestic abuse
- Clear – 01872 261147 or https://clearsupport.net/contact providing therapy and counselling for children who have experienced domestic abuse and to support their carer.
If you need an injunction for your safety and protection an application can be made to the court on an urgent basis, if needed and an order obtained from the court that day – you can find out more here. The courts are dealing with hearings by telephone at present and we can take instructions from you by telephone or Skype so you do not need to leave where you are.
Please do not feel that you are alone in this troubling time and give us a call at one of our three offices if you need any further advice or assistance.