Social media platforms and online review sites have become a vital tool to allow businesses to establish an online presence but they can also be used as a means for disappointed customers or aggrieved employees to post negative comments and/or reviews. In this article we will be exploring our top tips as to how to handle a Twitter storm.
This is the second article in our three part series on the risky world of social media. The first article ‘An introduction to the risky world of social media’ can be found here.
What is a Twitter storm?
A Twitter Storm is a post or series of posts on X (formerly known as Twitter) which creates a significant amount of attention and re-posting activity. It can lead to both positive and adverse publicity for those involved as it can be reported in the National Press.
Our five top tips for dealing with a Twitter storm
- Pro-actively manage and monitor comments being made about your business so that you are aware of what is said and can take action accordingly.
- Assess the actual impact of the post on you / your business. However frustrating the post may be, in some circumstances it may be more beneficial to ride the wave rather than to engage (which may draw further attention to the original post).
- Consider reporting the post. Many online platforms have procedures by which you can report inappropriate content with a view to getting it removed. This will only tend to apply however when the website’s terms of use have been breached (e.g. the content contains profanities, incitement to violence, untrue content, personal details).
- Take time to prepare any response. If a customer or employee is simply venting their frustration, it is often better to send a short, professional response, acknowledging their concerns and offering to continue the conversation offline.
- Seek legal advice prior to taking any more “nuclear” courses of action to ensure your position is protected. You may also wish to consult a PR or media organisation specialising in crisis communications to manage your external communications.
Laura Stanley and Catherine Mathews specialise in defamation, reputation management and other social media related disputes. If you have any queries arising from this article or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01392 210 700.