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Employee Owners Knowledge Sharing – What Happens When You Become ‘Financially Free’?
Casual businessman leading meeting at office table

When your business becomes employee owned it is sold by the founder/owners (Vendor) to the newly formed Employee Ownership Trust (EOT). The bulk of the purchase price isn’t usually paid when the EOT acquires the business, with most of the price being a debt the EOT owes to the Vendor and pays off over an agreed period.

But what happens when your EOT becomes financially free of this debt? And in the period before the debt is paid off, how do you communicate this information to your employee owners? And how much information do you communicate to evolve their mindset to that of ‘owners’?

We will facilitate knowledge sharing through an introductory group scene-setter and then smaller breakout rooms.

Join us for our informal knowledge share if you are an employee trustee, on an employee council, an employee owner, or from an employee-owned business with a vested interest, question to ask, or best practice to share.

Please RSVP to: Sam Moles at