In a previous article I explained how the Court was approaching child arrangement cases during the Coronavirus pandemic and offered tips on how to deal with those periods of isolation. This article offers an update.
How are child arrangement cases being dealt with now?
The Court remains closed for attending in person but is very much open for continuing to resolve disputes. Cases are continuing and hearings and are being conducted by way of telephone hearings, remotely via Microsoft Teams or Zoom or by way of something called a Hybrid hearing.
For more information on attending remote hearings, please see our article here.
What is a Hybrid hearing?
A Hybrid hearing is a hearing at which some of the parties attend Court and are socially distanced from each other and some attend remotely. These hearings require special permission before they can take place.
Some cases are being determined without having a hearing and are being decided by the Judges on the evidence that is before the Court, usually on a statement, with a final summary of the parties’ position being provided to the Judge in writing.
Is the remote/hybrid process working?
Personally, I am finding that the Courts are effectively dealing with cases.
In some matters this can mean that they are resolved more quickly than when we were waiting for a date when everyone could attend Court face to face.
The Judges are still ensuring that all of the parties and more importantly the children are safe in the current climate and they have been checking that shielding has been taking place and will continue with all of the people that are involved before making any orders.
By working remotely, I have had the pleasure of being able to represent parents who are not local to me as I can give advice, represent clients and attend the hearings in other counties by telephone or any video platform. I am pleased to report that this way of working will continue and if you need any further advice or assistance in any matter that relates to children, please contact us.
Our Family teams are based in Truro (01872 265100), St Austell (01726 74433) and Exeter (01392 210700). Please do give us a call and one of our expert team will be able to assist.