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Business Disputes

Business Disputes Top FAQs

  • There are alternative ways of resolving building and construction disputes. Forms of alternative dispute resolution (“ADR”) include mediation, expert determination, adjudication and arbitration. To find out whether ADR ...would be appropriate and effective in your case, you should seek advice from a solicitor. For more information and insights on Family Law please visit our Family Law info hub.
  • The starting point is to look at the terms of the contract between you and the sub-contractor. The contract should specify the work to be carried out and ...the timescales for completion of the work. If the sub-contractor has not complied with the terms of the contract then you may have a claim against them for breach of contract. This is a complex area of law and you should seek legal advice.
  • If you have obtained a county court judgment, there are a range of enforcement methods available which can be utilised in order to try to obtain money from the person/business which owes you money. It is also possible to force the person/business to attend court to provide information about their income and assets to help you decide which method or enforcement is appropriate.