In celebration of National Apprenticeship Week, South West law firm Stephens Scown announces that one of its Real Estate team has achieved something historic, becoming the firm’s first qualified solicitor via the solicitor apprenticeship programme.
With the routes for qualifying as a solicitor wider and more accessible than ever, Stephens Scown has a long, successful history of working with apprentices, offering roles throughout the organisation for those interested in working across all areas of the business.
Lowenna Spears from the Real Estate team is celebrating her well-earned status as a newly qualified solicitor following years of hard work. On her reasons for choosing a legal career, she said, “At the most basic level, I have always enjoyed working in a supportive capacity, helping others, and providing excellent client service. Combine that with the pleasure of working alongside talented lawyers for the past few years and it inspired me to think more seriously about a career in the legal profession.
“Throughout my time at Stephens Scown, I gained invaluable insight and experience, leading me to feel capable and ready to progress to qualify. Hard work and perseverance paid off, and I am so pleased to be equipped to continue this career.”
As one of the company’s apprentices, Lowenna spoke about her experience and why she chose that route. “There is no single way of describing why I picked this route, but in short, learning and earning sounded great. I learn better combining theory with real time workplace experience. It was an opportunity to qualify in a similar timescale as the traditional route available to me at the time.
“I was extremely lucky as an apprentice to have an incredibly supportive employer backing me all the way. I was blessed with a supportive network both inside and outside of work. I also had the overriding personal determination to get the Solicitors Qualifying Exam (SQE 1) done because there was a real tangible goal at the end.”
In her time with Stephens Scown, one of the highlights was, “the feeling when I passed SQE2 was something else. I felt so proud, and I was so happy to share the news with colleagues from different parts of the firm. Their reactions just meant the world to me. It will remain a highlight for a very, very long time.”
As one of the firm’s first solicitor apprentices, what would Lowenna say to anyone considering a legal apprenticeship? “I suggest anyone considering this route to try their best, prepare the best you can and trust your gut that you are a capable ‘day one standard solicitor.’
“Mental resilience, patience, and a good support network are also really important. Ensure that your colleagues know what you’re up to. Try to set manageable goals and boundaries but be prepared for some things to be out of your control. Find out what works for you to balance your time working and studying. Also, allow and plan for some time spent for a well-deserved break. It is important to have people around you who you can speak to about your experiences.”
Rachael Smith, Stephens Scown’s Graduate Recruitment and Apprenticeships Officer says, “I am proud to work alongside Lowenna and our other apprentices. They are paving the way for routes into law not only at Stephens Scown, but for our region and industry. Stephens Scown supports the different qualification opportunities available to individuals, and it’s a great thing to be part of.”
Partner in the Dispute Resolution team and one of Stephens Scown’s training leads, Mike Davies said, “We promote a wide variety of routes to qualification into law and support a range of apprenticeships. As routes to qualification in whatever form change, we are quick to adapt which has helped several employees qualify through the apprenticeship pathway.
“Stephens Scown works closely with all our apprentices and supports them through the process of combining work whilst studying. Apprenticeships bring great benefit both for us as an employer and for those who work with us. Being able to earn while learning offers an increased level of experience and loyalty from those individuals involved.”